Seattle or Denver: Which Recreational Cannabis Economy Will Spread?


Recreational marijuana is now legal in both Colorado and Washington State. Colorado was the first to get their recreational business up and running, but what Washington lacks in speed, it seems to be making up for in a better revenue growth model.


The Biggest Difference


The laws in Colorado and Washington are relatively similar from both a consumer and business standpoint, with one major difference. In Colorado dispensaries are selling product grown in-house. It’s actually against Colorado law for caregivers to sell to dispensaries.


Washington’s laws make clear distinctions between the growers, producers, and dispensaries, taxing each tier separately. Growers grow marijuana and sell it to either dispensaries or producers, who make concentrates and edibles to be sold in dispensaries soon.


From a consumer standpoint, this slight difference means in Colorado, visiting a dispensary is like choosing Jelly Bellies at a candy shop, or drinking beer from the tap. In Washington, the products are prepackaged like a bag of Skittles at the gas station, or a bottle of beer.


Dare to do drugs…


Distribution After Decriminalization


Federal decriminalization of cannabis is the dream of everyone involved in this industry,except retail dispensaries, which are unlikely to survive their entire stock being fit into a micro-kiosk at Wal-Mart and 7-Eleven, courtesy of big tobacco and big alcohol. They then become nothing more than corner stores with a lot of empty shelf space.


In Washington’s model, these trailblazing dispensary owners will simply die off, unattached to anything tangible in the evolved marketplace. Seattle will likely be the main hub of companies being bought out by larger corporations and producing the products we see on store shelves throughout the nation.


Colorado’s dispensary owners have much more than just their storefronts – they also have plants, and many have custom strains they’ll be able to fight for licensing of. This is what will keep Colorado in the game after federal decriminalization, becoming somewhat of a producer of raw product and “micro-brews.”


This is what cones look like, Pauly Shore…


The Cost of Doing Business


Retail sales and tax projections in Colorado were much lower than experts predicted, and it has nothing to do with support of legalized marijuana. The culprit is the medical marijuana business, which any customer at any dispensary can clearly see costs them less for the same high.


Any long-term recreational drug user goes for the best pricing, and, with retail stores in Colorado selling product as high as $35 a gram in Aspen and surrounding tourist areas, it’s no wonder sales are limited to a one-time-only tourist experience.


Washington is even worse, as last week I visited Altitude, my first Washington dispensary, in Prosser. They only had 2-gm packages of herb for $55, or 1-gm packages of kief for $130…seriously. It was the highest price I paid for pot in my entire life, and it would’ve been midgrade at best in Colorado dispensaries.


I used to get high on life…but then I had to seize more and more days to get the same high, so I switched to drugs…


On top of that, in CO I would likely have been given a little more than I paid for, an impossibility with Washington’s pre-packaged products.


Overall, if you’re looking to exercise your freedoms to legal recreational cannabis, I would suggest Colorado over Washington, unless you’re addicted to the ocean, like a surfer friend of mine. Either way I highly suggest taking a trip to either one, because there’s nothing quite like the feeling of blazing a blunt you purchased legally in a store.



Brian Penny Versability Anonymous iPhone SelfieBrian Penny is a former Operations Manager and Business Analyst at Bank of America turned whistleblower. He’s a frequent contributor to The Street, Huffington Post, Cannabis Now, and Fast Company.

Gonzo 2.0: Citizen Journos on Patroll

“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously.” ― Hunter S. Thompson

Hunter S Thompson Gonzo Journalism
Bill Murray played me better than Johnny Depp…


Gonzo…and Other Muppet Journos…

The mainstream media may be as progressive and liberal as it’s ever been these days, but it’s still a far cry from reality. Each talking head in Media-World serves someone at one point or another; even “cool” mainstream media brands like MTV, Rolling Stone, etc, are pushing an agenda for whoever pays them. This is the beauty of citizen journalism;  it’s the only way that we find truly independent news sources online

The same technology that allows for government programs like PRISM, Domain Awareness, and the Hemisphere Project have spawned something more powerful than any sword, pen, firearm, or amendment…we have instant access to video recording and streaming in the palm of our hands – no longer can the loser’s history be silenced. As a new generation born, raised, and weened online makes their way into the reigns of power in this world, how do we determine what is legitimate citizen journalism?

Speed of delivery, solidity of mechanics, popularity, reputation, and relevance of content are all important considerations when determining which records among the pile of citizen journalism we handpick among the vast amounts of government-monitored data to preserve in our digital and analog memory-filling systems as facts and/or valid and entertaining thoughts and opinions.

I am of the opinion that a citizen journalist is considered a true journalist so long as they report the facts as they were presented to them, and properly validate their sources. One form of journalism once considered legitimate is a barely-remembered autobiographical (which, even on Wikipedia, is thin ice on which to tread, I assure you) form of journalism known as Gonzo journalism…invented and popularized by Hunter S Thompson, who later took it with him to his grave…

Gonzo Citizen Journalism Anonymous…


Brian Penny Gonzo Journo
Hunted S. Thompson…

So, in one of my wackier moments in life I discovered a concept that finally appeased the trail of thought that drives most people to fill their lives with so many possessions, obligations, and memories. Basically, in order to discover inner peace, I needed to answer some very difficult questions in regards to my core human beliefs, values, and perceptions. I reached the fabled state of nirvana and discovered my inner peace, but the process of doing so put me at odds with the banks, Scientology, and the government; I reached a point of no return and stepped on some powerful toes in the process. In order to stay alive,  I reported my situation to the new media: Anonymous

Brian Penny Army Anon
Go #AnonymousArmy…

Anonymous is a brilliant avenue in which to resurrect Gonzo. With YourAnonNews and other social media accounts, I can become both the journalist and confidential source – a valuable tool in these desperate times in which we all live. The open-sourced nature of Anonymous leads to a fast-paced gonzo hydra, in which independent citizen source/journos can submit their work directly to the Anon hive, allowing it to be promoted and gain traction organically. Anon is an ideal that answers to no one – the bias is pro-transparency.

Fear and Loafing…


Brian Penny Fear Loafing Anon
Fear and Loathing w/ Lost Gazes…

With the hivemind unleashed, the true democracy of the internet will soon topple the old money on the East Coast. I spent the last few years recovering from the trauma of facing Bank of America’s retaliation machines while guiding government regulators on every front through my shadowy corner of the foreclosure crisis. After finally saying my piece to the FHFA, it’s time to walk away from the housing crisis to focus on something much more important…

Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks have made a lot of realities public knowledge, and there’s a very clear difference of opinion between governments, corporate media, and the general public. While Occupy flopped in many regards, it did a lot to evolve the US government’s crowd response tactics in the wake of the internet. Big brother has arrived, and the only way to deal with a bully is to find someone bigger to fight back.

Instead of watching the news, average citizens should participate by going Gonzo 2.0 and participating in Anonymous like I have. Everyone who contributes news of what’s happening around them becomes a contributor to the global citizen journalist movement designed to give each of us as individuals the same opportunities to write and rewrite history as any organization or regime. We live in a powerful time, my friends, and it’s time we utilized that power for something…

It’s time to usher in the Age of Anonymous

Versability Iron Throne Guy Fawkes Activism NightstandBrian Penny is a former Business Analyst at Bank of America turned whistleblower, freelance consultant, and troll. He’s a frequent contributor to The Street, Cannabis Now, and Fast Company, Huffington PostMainstreetLifehack, and HardcoreDroid.

Californication is Entourage for Authors

Californication Hank Moody
A 2nd-Base 69…

We’re All a Little Moody

There are few guilty pleasures I indulge in more vigorously than drugs and sex. There’s just something viscerally appealing about altering the body chemistry of myself and/or another person. I enjoy taking a trip within my mind or feeling intense pleasure that can only be achieved at the whim of another person. It turns out I’m not as crazy as I fucked up in the head as everyone around me wants to convince me I am. I’m just another misunderstood Hank Moody (David Duchovny).

What makes Californication (Showtime) so great is Hank Moody’s unapologetic nosedives into excess of any and all kinds. He’s not just your average drug-addled creative type; Hank is a literary genius, whose writing is filled with angst, emotion, and passion. He’s not just a drunk – he’s a family man, devoted as well as he can be to his daughter, Becca (Madeleine Martin), and her mother, Karen (Natasha McElhone). He’s also a great friend and hard worker who provides for his family while looking out for his agent, Charlie Runkle (Evan Handler).

In short, Hank Moody is television’s most realistic and rounded character since Homer Simpson…

Californication Title Screen
The footage you are about to see is real…

Hank Moody Is a Hollywood Hunter S Thompson…

Hank is a brilliant writer, but he’s more interested in living a lifestyle saturated with sex, drugs, and rock & roll. Although the show doesn’t focus much on his actual writing, but rather the life he lives, it’s clear that Moody’s writing is very similar to that of the gonzo pioneer. Hank has no problem getting in people’s faces to be rude, crude, and sarcastic.

Hank Moody Is a Modern Ernest Hemingway…

It’s not just Hunter – Moody is also reminiscent of legendary auteur Ernest Hemingway. Debauchery aside (both love alcohol and women), Moody also suffers from depression and a self-destructive pattern. Not only did Hemingway commit suicide, but his daughter did as well. Moody’s daughter, Becca, is well on her way to a trip down suicide lane as well.

Hank Moody Stencil
Steal this stencil…

Californication Is a Literal Entourage

Although I’m much more in love with Hank Moody and his entourage, he’s not the first pay-channel series about Hollywood behind-the-scenes. Where HBO’s Entourage went the light, generically Disney-fied (Aquaman is WB IP) Once Upon a Time route, Californication goes the graphic, drug-addled, tittyfest, Game of Thrones route. All of the trendy douchebags have been replaced by likable and relatable people we’d all love to party with.

Hank Moody Was Breaking Bad Before We Met Him…

Walter White may have broke bad in front of our eyes, but Hank Moody did it behind our backs. By the time we enter Moody’s life, he’s already lived a lifetime of sin. Hank was never a boring chemistry teacher; his methods are a lot less extreme, but still very much suicidal. The moral of the story as far as I can see here is that you need to start exploring drugs and alcohol as soon as possible…because if you bottle all your criminal behavior up and become a teacher, you’ll just end up snapping one day…

Walter White Stencil
Courtesy of RUKTART

Want more of my favorite things? Check out: The Beach

Brian Penny is a former business analyst at Bank of America turned whistleblower and freelance writer.

Leaving Fear and Loathing

January 5, 2011, 9:20pm – Chandler, AZ –

I sat at my desk, nervously chain-smoking cigarettes. I hadn’t smoked in nearly a year, but tonight may be my last night of freedom. A cascade of windows swallowed my monitor as I scanned my hard drives, cookies, and registry files to see what I have.

Twelve hours earlier, Bank of America’s corporate security called the police and said I made a bomb threat on the building. Now my neighbors are peering curiously toward my house as the police have it surrounded and are yelling for me to come outside.

March 13, 2011, 11:59pm – Chandler, AZ –

The Wall Street Journal balked at my story, and I had to contact Anonymous. Fresh off their HB Gary leak and Julian Assange’s cryptic warning of a Bank of America leak, my quest for justice landed me in the center of an international shitstorm I wasn’t even aware of, much less prepared for.

Four months after facing my 30th birthday by jumping out of an airplane, I’m suddenly the Bank of America leaker everyone’s talking about. Bradley Manning is sitting in a prison cell, and Julian Assange is under house arrest in the U.K. Thankfully I had their stories to follow, and an HB Gary Federal Powerpoint presentation outlining Bank of America’s Enterprise Risk Management campaign against Wikileaks.

I’m not going to jail – I already dodged that bullet months ago. I’m an honest American citizen, and, although I may have broken a few laws, I’ve committed no crimes. I just hope I leaked enough to prove the fraud without having to listen to the Anon and leak the reports (and the millions of American’s private banking info) it would take to prove what the media wanted. The regulators and activists and lawyers will get what they need though. They’ll understand…

In one minute, I’m facing the judgment of the entire world. If even a handful understand what I need them to, I’ll have the pieces in place to take the whole board. If they don’t, I fade away into the system, disappear, and die, just like everyone else before me. I crossed a point of no return. This is going on my permanent record in the real life Game of Thrones.

I’m a whistleblower now, and I only need to be an expert in myself.

May 18, 2012, 10:33am – Sierra Vista, AZ –

I’ve been told to keep my head down, and you can’t get much more down than living in your old bedroom of your parents’ house at 31. I’ve waited over a year, and these force-placed insurance hearings are the culmination of everything I’ve done. I may have lost nearly everything and everyone I loved, but I’m not a complete loser. My parents only see their grown son smoking synthetic marijuana and playing on a laptop in a robe, but I’m transcribing an important piece of history.

Ben Lawsky and the New York Department of Financial Services have banking and insurance executives on the hot seat over the practices I spoke to them about. My leak encouraged regulators to look at me, and they listened to what I had to say – beneath all the smoke and mirrors of mortgage-backed securities is simple financial fraud hidden behind escrow accounts and foreclosures.

I already caught a lot of these guys lying on the stands, and I know they know I’m watching. I have the attention of a room full of very powerful people on Wall Street, and I’m high out my mind, and happy as shit. They need to hurry up and come back from lunch. I can’t wait to tear this Bank of America exec a new one…

September 26, 2012, 8:59pm – Clearwater, FL –

Having been through the rounds with regulators, I gave up hope in the American justice system. St. Petersburg College in Florida was the perfect place to hide in plain sight. Miami and Florida are two entirely different places, and the only place that would accept someone as blacklisted as me is Clearwater, the Scientology mecca. I’m easy to find on Google, and my site has Guy Fawkes masks all over it. The Scientologists are the least of my worries for now.

My problem right now is I’m about to be a guest on HuffPost Live – the school library is about to close, and I’m about to be kicked out of here by a school security guard on a live broadcast. He’s already warned me twice, and I have to face the music sooner or later. They’re lucky they at least gave me Aloyna Minkovski as a host. She’s one of the only people who got my story right back then. I’m in good hands. I need to relax and not think about school or work or bills. Tonight, I’m Brian Penny the bank whistleblower.

I have no idea how to be a banking analyst or journalist. I’m no talking head, and why did the producer laugh at me when I asked to be identified as a whistleblower? I bet Aloyna doesn’t get this kind of pushback. The NY DFS may not have thrown everyone in jail like the Harvey Dent I hoped for, but at least Ben Lawsky and Joy Feigenbaum treated me with respect. These public access media monkeys seem to think I’m the joke.

I need to run – the segment’s starting, the security guard is screaming at me, and I’m about to be introduced on camera running across campus to the nearest building I can find where I can sit down and do my first live news broadcast…

April 14, 2014, 1:59pm – Denver, CO

I just walked out of a medicinal and recreational dispensary in American Amsterdam. After a weekend long drive from Arizona to Colorado, I finally felt the feeling of true freedom I’ve been seeking for over three years. I no longer had to talk about my lifelong love of marijuana – instead I can proudly stand on American streets and admit that I enjoy smoking blunts. No longer do I feel like the criminal I’ve felt like since the day Bank of America imprisoned me in my own mind.

When I walked in as a whistleblower, their executives embraced me, taking me behind the scenes and showed me their operations, allowing me to film it on my GoPro and ask any questions I wanted. The stigmas that follow me around in my life don’t matter here – this business has nothing to hide. I can instantly tell they’re honest people who are knowledgeable about their product and care about the surrounding community.

I spoke openly with the workers and found one of the front-end pros came from the banking industry as well. We both smiled as she proudly declared how much more she enjoys her career these days compared to back then. Everyone felt comfortable, natural, and real. This was no manufactured McFriendly environment – these people truly love what they do, and it shows in every facet.

I only drove 800 miles from Phoenix to Denver, but it’s an entire world away…

Brian penny cannabis laptop anonymous versability julie donnan Brian Penny is a former Business Analyst at Bank of America turned whistleblower, freelance consultant, and troll. He’s a frequent contributor to The Street, Huffington Post, Cannabis Now, and Fast Company.