The Boy Who Cried Force-Placed Insurance: American Spring

“This is the future, whether one approves or not, and the failure on the part of governments and media alike to understand, and contend with the rapid change now afoot, ought to remind everyone concerned why it is that this movement is necessary in the first place.” Al Jazeera, reporting on Anonymous, Feb 2011


February 2011 – A month after being labeled a terror suspect by the bank to accomplish any or all of the following:

  • Get me imprisoned X
  • Convince me to let go and move on X
  • Scare me into destroying any documentation I have X
  • Maintain reason to monitor me ­­__

My new life is in full swing. I developed a routine. Every morning I scour the news for specific search terms in order to stay afloat on what’s happening in the mortgage and insurance industries. I contacted everyone involved in anything related to the industry to get my name and story in every ear I could. Unfortunately force-placed insurance, along with the other terms used in the documentation I provided, was completely foreign to even the most reputable financial publications.

Eventually I reach a reporter in Australia for the Wall Street Journal. We talked for a while, and she began to look into the story on the side of her regular assignments. At the same time, I’m hearing more and more about a group of activists I met in college: Anonymous.

It turns out they have their own beef with the bank stemming from the bank’s feud with Wikileaks. In one of many failed attempts at stopping Julian Assange from running his normal day to day life, Bank of America, along with several other financial institutions, blocked payments made to Wikileaks, et al. Anonymous wasn’t pleased about the attack and decided to take action against everyone involved in the coordinated attack with a coordinated attack of their own.

The Anon strategy was simple. While performing the usual hackivist…ummm…hacktivities… (DDoS and Doxing are popular choices) against the websites of the companies involved, a team of hackers broke into security firm HB Gary’s servers, revealing various incriminating materials. One of the documents is a PowerPoint presentation outlining a Wikileaks smear campaign for the bank, one of their many corporate clients. I read the document page to page and realized some of the described tactics were, and will continue to be, used against me. I need to contact Anonymous.


March 2011 – Going with the flow in life is monotonously easy. People do it all the time. If you want to try it, jump in a river. The flow will drag you along at whatever pace it likes. The problem with going with the flow is you can’t stop during a rapid. You’re floating along that river, and the waters start to speed up. You want off the ride, so you begin to swim toward land to progress at your own pace.

But the forces in the water aren’t your friends. They continue moving down their path with or without you. If your needs aren’t in line with the flow, your swimming lesson becomes a deliverance. The swim to shore takes more than most have. When you reach the shore, you have to be willing to crawl through mile after mile of haunted forests. When you finally feel like you’ve used every ounce of energy you have left, you’ll find a man in a mask standing over you offering to help you stand…


After a few late nights searching, I was finally contacted by a legitimate member of Anonymous. We verified each other and began talking/feeling each other out. I soon unraveled for him a very complicated multidirectional tale about finances, mortgages, and how corporations are using them to rip off vehicle and homeowners, as they have for decades. We talked throughout the day for 3 straight days. The Anon tried every way he could think of to get me to change my tale, but I never wavered. I can tell he didn’t really understand what I was telling him. I can’t say I blame him. In my drugged out stupor, I barely made legible sense. I tried to explain it in so many ways to so many people for so long that I was just physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. The few friends I had left were mostly due to my roommate. Everyone told me to give up, as they had for the last 3 months since I lost my job. I was starting to lose faith that I was doing the just and proper thing. Thoughts were starting to creep into my head that I just needed to listen to everyone around me, give up, and find another way to be like the rest of them. This Anon was the first person that came to the defense of what I was doing and believed in me enough to help me when the world turned its collective back on me. One thing he was sure of was that I understood what I was saying, even if no one else did yet.


That weekend, AnonOps was in full swing across social media outlets, promoting a prepared document drop to help fire my first shot in the war against the bank. started gawking at me. Journalists from various well known news sources, both modern and…well…print media, for example, were friending me on Facebook. I also noticed twitter being utilized by a lot of the new school journalists, so I started conversing with them via an old twitter account I created after a conference call with Wendy Day a few years back. By Sunday I was so nervous/excited, I spent the day pacing throughout my house, drinking and smoking heavily. A foreign earthquake was going to dominate the mainstream news, but I was going to earn my place in the books.


The next week was a whirlwind. I read each article printed about my project with Anonymous as they appeared in Google and Bing. I watched news outlets around the world report on the story in a variety of media. Being the story, I once again had a unique seat through it all. I saw who cited what, and how long it took for certain outlets to pick up the story. I spoke to journalists, editors, writers, and activists around the world, some good, others bad. I did what the Anon advised and kept my mouth shut with the press. If they can’t verify the information, they can’t print it. Instead, they attempt to manipulate the story through sensationalism. A writer for the New York Times, for example, told me the bank was planting ideas of my seedy background throughout the media and asked for a comment, to which I replied, “Tell them to show the proof on paper like I have, and I’ll consider giving their ideas some thought.”


Friends and family would call me from around the world letting me know they saw my name somewhere. People who once turned their backs on me temporarily came back with smiles, and I temporarily allowed them, because the journey up until then had been so lonely. I forgave the unforgivable and swallowed my pride, accepting that life just is what it is sometimes. I found better ways of spending my time. I started taking the time to achieve inner peace through exercise, meditation, yoga, a cornucopia of mood and perception enhancing drugs, and rampant alcohol abuse. The Arab Spring was in full effect, and the American Spring was just beginning, with my project being just another link in another chain of events nobody was paying attention to…

Snowden’s Perspective

Gary Webb is the journalist who blew the whistle on the CIA during the Iran Contra scandal in the 1980’s. In 2005, Webb reportedly “committed suicide” by shooting himself in the head twice. This all happened prior to Twitter and Livestream globalizing citizen journalism online. We live in a different world now.

Transparency Equality

The government monitors us, but they don’t want anyone monitoring them. This Iron Curtain mentality may seem great to those of you wearing American flags without a care in the world, but the reality of that situation is grim. I’ve never committed a crime that matters, yet I’ve met field agents from the Secret Service and Special Forces. I don’t carry weapons, yet have been surrounded by law enforcement specialists far and above your average patrol officer.

The reason I’m still alive and able to speak so publicly is because I’m the son of a retired NCO in military intelligence. I live with a police officer’s family. I grew up with border patrol agents. I know all the rules, and I not only follow them, I recognize inconsistencies. The skill set that made me so successful working in the mortgage and insurance industries translated quite well into activism. I also learned a trick from Wendy Day, who also inspired me to learn more about Webb’s story.

Advice to Stay Alive

Wendy is a veteran of the music industry. She played a role in creating a strong business foundation for some of hip-hop’s most iconic stars and brands, including Cash Money Records, No Limit Records, Eminem, David Banner, and so many more. Wendy’s business savvy and resourcefulness is one of the major reasons southern rap has remained on top of the Billboard charts for so long. She’s worked with many of my heroes, including the late Tupac Shakur.

The advice she gave me when I considered whether or not to go public against Bank of America was something Louis Farrakhan told her when she was considering the very same decision in going public about Cash Money ripping her off. He told her the US takes measures to keep him alive simply because he’s so vocal against them. It’s not that everyone will look at them if he’s killed, it’s that they KNOW everyone will look at them if he’s killed.

Snowden’s Strategy

Edward Snowden went public for a reason. From the skewed angle the general public gets through the various media perspectives, it appears he’s playing checkers. Snowden is playing chess though. There’s a reason he is in Hong Kong. He’s aware of their laws and legal system. The US would never strike Hong Kong with the military. It’s the most important trade route in Southeast Asia. We couldn’t block them economically. That would only hurt our global position. Hong Kong is more than capable of standing against the US. They can’t kill him in Hong Kong. He made a smart decision to do everything from outside the country.

Snowden also went to the media for a reason. He’s following the same strategy employed by Farrakhan, Day, and myself. Now that we all know he’s a government leaker, they can’t make him the victim of some random act of unrecorded violence. He’s not trying to be famous. He’s trying to survive, and he’s doing a brilliant job at it thus far. His next step needs to be to get contracts with as many lawyers as possible. Once he does that, he will be able to maintain his freedom and continue living for the time being.

After the Storm Passes

Once this story dies down is the difficult part. Snowden has an uphill battle ahead of him. He’s seen behind the curtain and now he’s cut off from it. People who were once close friends and family can’t be trusted anymore. You have to put your faith in strangers, which is difficult when you never know who is who. Being outside the US, he’ll see a lot more drones than he’s used to. China, the US, Russia, and many other nations would love to get a hold of him. I wouldn’t put it above North Korea to have him executed or taken hostage just to start a war. His life won’t be easy, and he may not have a home any longer. That’s a tough one to deal with.

Snowden did this at a peculiar time, as Bradley Manning‘s trial started. Glenn Greenwald is friendly to Anonymous, Wikileaks, etc., supporting the cases involving Julian Assange, Manning, and Barrett Brown, among others. This ties him to a very strong foundation. When I leaked the bank info, I went to Anonymous during the PayPal boycott because I had to find a powerful flag to carry against BofA’s. Snowden would know who Greenwald is and must be familiar with Anonymous, so he will have a lot of protection. The question is…what game is Snowden really playing?

Whose Side Is Snowden On?

Law enforcement has always had a fascination with the inner working of Anonymous. They continue forgetting that it’s only an idea…and an idea can never be killed or imprisoned. From everything I see, Snowden is following the right steps to survive as a whistleblower. Where is his heart though? What’s the angle we’re not seeing? Did he blow the whistle for the reasons he stated, or is he another government attempt of infiltrating Anonymous?

While we wait for an answer, we’re losing more and more freedoms. We now know the government is watching us. It’s not about whether you’re doing something right or wrong. It’s about having privacy in your own home. It’s about feeling safe within the walls of your home and whenever you leave it. Snowden showed us the government is watching us. Manning showed us what they’ll do if we disobey. Our only power right now is in numbers. We need to find nonviolent ways to fight for our own freedoms. We’re all carrying smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and laptops powerful enough to control the world. All it takes is a little knowledge

Expect us…

Veronica Vice VersabilityBrian Penny is a former Business Analyst at Bank of America turned whistleblower, freelance consultant, and troll. He’s a frequent contributor to The Street, Cannabis Now, and Fast Company, Huffington PostMainstreetLifehack, and HardcoreDroid.